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"Rational Optimization of a Transcription Factor Activation Domain Inhibitor" published In Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 

Paul and Jiaqi have contributed simulation results to an exciting manuscript spearheaded by the laboratory of our collaborator Xavier Salvatella at the IRB Barcelona:

This manuscript provides compelling evidence that the transcriptional activity of the androgen receptor is mediated through biomolecular condensate formation, and that prospective castration-resistant prostate cancer therapeutics bind to the same regions of the disordered transactivation that mediate condensate formation. 

Jiaqi has performed simulations of a promising new androgen receptor inhibitor binding to the disordered activation domain of androgen receptor in this work

You can read a summary of the work here:

All code and bound ensembles can be downloaded from our github repository:

"Folding-upon-binding pathways of an intrinsically disordered protein from a deep Markov state model" accepted for publication in the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences

Tommy Sisk's first manuscript in the group was just accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

You can read the last version on biorxiv:


Tommy and Paul have utilized a deep learning approach to construct Markov state models of disordered protein folding-upon-binding from molecular dynamics simulations.

You can read a summary of the work here:

All code for this work can be found here:

"Clustering Heterogeneous Conformational Ensembles of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins with t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding" published in JCTC!

Jaya Krishna and Paul's collarboration with Rajeswari Appadurai and Anand Srivastava from IIS Bangalore and Max Bonomi from the Institut Pasteur is no published in The Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation

We demonstrated that t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding is a promising approach for clustering the conformations of IDPs, and we use t-SNE based clustering to analyze how the binding mechanisms of small molecules to disordered proteins differs among conformational substates. 

You can read more about the work here:

Clustering Code for the paper is here:

Code for Jaya Krishna's analyses of ligand binding modes observed in a-synuclein conformational states is here:

And an illustrative walk-through applying the approach to analyze a simulation of the Androgen Receptor can be found here:

"Structure-Based Experimental Datasets for Benchmarking of Protein Simulation Force Fields" out on arxiv!

Paul has contributed to a community effort to provide practical guidance for benchmarking protein force fields against data from NMR spectroscopy and room temperature crystallography.

Paul has written sections about using NMR chemical shifts and J-couplings to benchmark simulations. 

You can read more about this work here:

"Demultiplexing the heterogeneous conformational ensembles of intrinsically disordered proteins into structurally similar clusters" on biorxiv!  

Jaya Krishna and Paul are excited to have contributed to a collaboration with Rajeswari Appadurai and Anand Srivastava from IIS Bangalore and Max Bonomi from the Institut Pasteur. 

"Demultiplexing the heterogeneous conformational ensembles of intrinsically disordered proteins into structurally similar clusters"

We demonstrate that t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding is a promising approach for clustering the conformations of IDPs, and we use t-SNE based clustering to analyze how the binding mechanisms of small molecules to disordered proteins differs among conformational substates. 

You can read more about the work here:

Clustering Code for the paper is here:

Code for Jaya Krishna's analyses of ligand binding modes observed in a-synuclein conformational states is here:

And an illustrative walk-through applying the approach to analyze a simulation of the Androgen Receptor can be found here:

"Rational Optimization of a Transcription Factor Activation Domain Inhibitor" on biorxiv!

Jiaqi and Paul have contributed results to an exciting manuscript spearheaded by the laboratory of Xavier Salvatella at the IRB Barcelona, now out on bioRxiv:


"Rational Optimization of a Transcription Factor Activation Domain Inhibitor"



This manuscript provides compelling evidence that the transcriptional activity of the androgen receptor is mediated through biomolecular condensate formation, and that prospective castration-resistant prostate cancer therapeutics bind to the same regions of the disordered transactivation that mediate condensate formation. 

Jiaqi has performed simulations of a promising new androgen receptor inhibitor binding to the androgen receptor in this work


You can read a summary of the work here

"Small Molecules Targeting the Disordered Transactivation Domain of the Androgen Receptor" published in Nature Communications 

Jiaqi's paper 


"Small Molecules Targeting the Disordered Transactivation Domain of the Androgen Receptor Induce the Formation of Collapsed Helical States"


is now published in Nature Communications!  



All analysis code and trajectories from this manuscript can be found here:



You can read a summary of the work here

Congrats Jiaqi!

CHEM 101.6: "Computational Methods in Chemistry & Biophysics" Course Materials available 

Paul has posted all of his lecture notes, jupyter notebook assignments & solutions, and lecture videos for his graduate course in computational chemistry CHEM 101.6.



This course covers topics in statistical thermodynamics, molecular simulations, proteins dynamics, protein folding, disordered proteins, and enhanced sampling methods.


The course was designed to give students a practical introduction to a modern computational research  infrastructure.  Students set up a python package library with anaconda, and all assignments are completed in python jupyter notebooks and were submitted through github uploads. 


Instructors at other universities are welcome to utilize these materials, and I request that if you incorporate material from these slides or adapt coding exercises from the materials I have shared, that you freely share your materials in turn.  


Robustelli Laboratory Awarded Funding From the Dartmouth Innovations Accelerator for Cancer (DIAC)

This year, Paul and Jiaqi participated in the Dartmouth Innovations Accelerator for Cancer (DIAC), a program sponsored by the Dartmouth Magnuson Center for Entrepreneurship.   

They developed a venture capital pitch titled "A Drug Discovery Platform for Intrinsically Disordered Proteins" and competed in two pitch contests judged by an external review panel of biotech entrepreneurs and investors.  This pitch was awarded the $25,000 research funding Stu Trembly Award this winter, and in the spring they split the "Venture Development Award", the top prize in the final contest, and were awarded an additional $150,000 in research funding

The Robustelli Laboratory will be utilizing this funding to develop new methods to design small molecule inhibitors for IDPs.

Paul and Jiaqi had a great experience in the accelerator, and learned a great deal about biotech entrepreneurship!

"Molecular Basis of Small-Molecule Binding to α-synulcein" published in JACS

Our paper​ "Molecular Basis of Small-Molecule Binding to α-synulcein" is now out in JACS:



Code for the analyses can be found at:

And all trajectories (>6 milliseconds of explicit solvent MD of IDPs with over 50 small-molecule ligands) are available upon request from:



We hope others can use this code and these trajectories to help the field obtain more mechanistic insight into IDP ligand binding modes!  


Conformational Ensemble of a Disordered Region of the Transactivation Domain of the Androgen Receptor now released on the Protein Ensemble Database

We're very happy to have our first entry in the protein ensemble database released:



This is an NMR-reweighted MD ensemble of the Tau-5_R2R3 region of the Androgen Receptor from our paper 


"Small Molecules Targeting the Disordered Transactivation Domain of the Androgen Receptor Induce the Formation of Collapsed Helical States"



The full trajectory, and the code to perform the reweighting, are available:



The protein ensemble database is great resource for the molecular simulation/ensemble calculation community and we're thrilled to contribute to it! 

First manuscript of the Robustelli Lab on bioRxiv!

Jiaqi's first paper (and the group's first manuscript!) is out on bioRxiv now: 


"Small Molecules Targeting the Disordered Transactivation Domain of the Androgen Receptor Induce the Formation of Collapsed Helical States"



All code and trajectories for this work can be found here:




You can read a summary of the work here

Postdoctoral Scholar Positions Open!

We are seeking to recruit  postdoctoral scholars with experimental biophysics backgrounds to study interactions of intrinsically disordered proteins with small molecule drugs using molecular simulations and NMR spectroscopy.

Robustelli Laboratory Awarded NIH R35 Award

Our laboratory was awarded a 5-year NIH R35 MIRA for our project "Characterizing the binding mechanisms of castration-resistant prostate cancer therapeutics to the intrinsically disordered N-terminal domain of the androgen receptor".  Jiaqi and Paul have been hard at work on this system since the lab opened its doors, and we are thrilled to receive this support!

All Rights Reserved by Robustelli Group

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